Prof. Bernard Ghanem to give a talk at Machines Can See 2021
The fifth annual international summit ‘Machines Can See’ will host IVUL's own Prof. Bernard Ghanem as a speaker. The summit, to be held on July 8th 2021, is hosted by VisionLabs, a leading software company devoted to developing products based on state-of-the-art Computer Vision algorithms.
The summit will be a space for Computer Vision and Machine Learning leading experts to discuss technology trends and share experience regarding human-centric technologies. Together with Prof. Bernard Ghanem, the summit will feature Professors Dima Damen, Efstratios Gavves, Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, and Kris Kitani.
If you are interested in attending the summit, please register at https://machinescansee.com/.