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Front Page
3D object detection, Computer Vision, Deep learning, PhD Dissertation Defense
GPU Technology Conference, GTC Europe 2017, human activity in untrimmed video, learning detection, munich, talk, News
3D object detection, convolutional sparse coding, ICCV, line drawing analysis, three paper accepted, News
artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, Deep learning, News
3D object detection, Computer Vision, Deep learning
Computer Vision, Deep learning
Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning
Compressive Sensing, Deep learning
Computer Vision, Deep learning
analysis of contextual information
AI for healthcare, Computer Vision, deep learning, machine learning, Medical imaging
calculus of variations, fluid dynamics, free boundary problems, Mathematical Biology, mean curvature flow, Microelectromechanical, Partial Differential Equations
News Clip, News
CGF 2015, Kaust Discovery, SAR, stroke authorship recognition, News
News Clip, News
UAV, Spotlight, Awards
Computer Vision, machine learning
Computer Vision, machine learning, robotics
Majed Sofiani
Dynamical Systems, Liquid Crystals, non-linear partial differential equations
Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning, robotics
Poster Competition, student award, Spotlight, Awards
Driving Policy Transfer, ePoster Competition, Innovation award, wep, News
spin-orbit torque, Spintronics, Spintronics devices, thin films
Computer Vision, Deep learning, Video Understanding
Computer Vision, data science, machine learning
5G networks, AI, deep learning, Digital Communications, GSM, MATLAB, Network Design, optical fiber, telecommunication
machine learning, Seminar
computer graphics, Computer Vision, machine learning
Mohamed Afouene Melki
AI, BLE communication, Neural Networks, Python
adaptive control, Aerial Robotics, Reinforcement Learning, UAV
Computer Vision, machine learning
Muhammad Dzaky Ivansyah
machine learning, neural network
communication systems, Localization, technology advancements.
Microgrids, Power electronics, Renewable integrations, Renewable-based power systems
artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Generative AI and LLMs
data analysis, MATLAB, Programming language, Web Technologies
Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning
one paper accepted, News
Oral paper accepted, robustness in VQA models, News
paper accepted, underwater color enhancement, WACV 2019, News
applied mathematics, computational methods, MATLAB, Signal processing
artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, News
ICCV, Seoul Korea, News
big data, machine learning, Spotlight, Awards, News
PhD Dissertation Defense
Graduate Seminar
machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless Communications
Computer Vision, machine learning
Computer Vision, image processing
computer graphics, Computer Vision, image processing, Scientific Visualization
LiDAR, optical computing
artificial intelligence, News
artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, News
Compressed Sensing Approach, Multi-carrier Systems
Computer Vision, Long-Form Video Understanding, Temporal Action Detection
Shunyuan Shang
3D understanding, artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, Deep learning, robotics, Sports, start-up, Technology Transfer
Computer Vision, machine learning, robotics, UAV, PhD Dissertation Defense
CVPR, News
ECCV, News